Schedule your Free Consultation for Laser Hair Removal 770-251-2000, Option "2"
Dr. Miles provides Laser Hair Removal at the MFM Laser Center using the latest cutting-edge technology with the 1st in the world simultaneous dual-laser system.
Other hair removal lasers usually require 8-12 (or more) separate treatments. Our Triton Duo laser is the best laser hair removal system available and can cut that number in half to just 4-5 treatment sessions. Your time is important so ask for the Triton Duo laser for the best laser hair removal.
Why bother to shave or wax! Start saving time and free yourself from the hassle. Begin your quest for smooth, sexy, maintenance-free skin now!
Call & Schedule your appointment for your Free Consultation! 770-251-2000 and press option "2" for fast service.
Seek out the Triton Duo for Laser Hair Removal. The Triton Duo Light combines an Alexandrite (755 nm) laser with a Diode (810 nm) laser, firing at the same time, to gently kill the hair within the follicle at the root. This dual laser technology is perfect for lighter (Fitzpatrick I-III) skin tones. The Triton Duo Light provides for greater efficacy with low risk of side effects and with the speed and comfort you deserve. The dual lasers also treat hairs at multiple phases of the growth cycle, which means fewer treatments than the other lasers on the market. You need dual laser therapy to get the best results and with fewer treatments.
Triton Duo Dark is a unique multi-wavelength laser. It combines a Diode (810 nm) laser with a Nd:YAG (1064 nm) laser into one simultaneous beam killing the root of the hair in the follicle. The Triton Duo Dark is able to provide effective hair removal in patients with dark skin tones (Fitzpatrick IV-VI) with higher efficacy and lower risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (darkening after a procedure.) If you want Laser Hair Removal this dual laser treats stubborn hair with fewer treatments than other lasers.
With our Triton Dual Laser technology we can see 80% reductions in hair after just a few treatments, depending on the zone treated. You can save money and time using a Dual Laser that best matches your skin type. Call now to schedule your Free Consultation with Dr. Miles at MFM Laser Center to see how we can make your skin beautiful and low maintenance.